Whole Vet is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity organization dedicated serving veterans, transitioning service members, and their families.  

We are honored to serve those who have selflessly served our great nation. Hear from a few Veterans we've been able to impact in one way or another.  

In addition to employers such as Cisco, PPD and Caterpiller, Whole Vet has worked with local universities, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and the U.S. Army’s Warrior Transition Battalion on events that offer opportunities for career development, networking, education, mentorship, and more.  

In the words of Whole Vet founder and Director Dale Robbins, “This is a comprehensive vision to really create a platform that can serve our military and veteran community.  Everything from helping them make connections at our events to getting jobs and internships, to the mentorship piece that gives them someone that really cares.”

What Other People Are Saying About Whole Vet

What We Do

"When I was leaving active duty Whole Vet provided a unique experience.  Their approach is different than other organizations.  They care about the person and make it a point to educate and provide mentorship to those who want to learn about career opportunities after the military and they are supported by top notch companies."  
- Allen P.

"Caterpillar is a stand-up organization and it was a real treat to be honored with a meal, tour the plant, and meet so many fantastic people.  The transition from military service is tougher than I thought it would be, from the morale stand point especially.  These kinds of events are instrumental in keeping my head up and looking forward, something I truly can't put a value on... the word priceless comes to mind.  So thank you very much for what you do, I'm very glad I went."                         
- Kalan McEuen

"Wanted to send you a quick follow up and say thank you for allowing Duke to be a part of yesterday, it was a great event and very well organized. It’s awesome what you are doing for the Veteran community."
- Duke Energy

"Thanks for a fantastic event.  I was quite impressed with the level of commitment that Biogen showed with the level of executives that they brought to the conference, and the enthusiasm they showed for the veterans in the room."
- Brant G

“I want to thank you for yesterdays Whole Vet event held at Caterpillar. You and Caterpillar obviously worked very hard to make it a successful event. As a spouse, it was invaluable information for our family as we transition back to the United States. Thank you for the work you are doing and for the support you are giving that will impact the lives of veterans now and in the future."   
- Victoria S

​​"Shout out to Whole-Vet, Transitioning service members and families have everything to gain by connecting and interacting with Dale Robbins (Founder) and the network of people Whole Vet as an organization has ties to.  I have spent the last year or two communicating with dozens of non-profit organizations directed towards Veterans and this one is among the best.  Not only because of their ability to help you find your way in the unknown "Civilian world"  But Rather, They have Passion. They Care about Veterans and their Families.  They Want to Help You! Love the Group, Love the Vision, Love the Mission Join me in helping them help others.  At the end of it all, Its not how successful you are that defines you, but rather what you do with that success.  Semper Fidelis."
- Mat Redmond

"I wanted to thank you again for the positive impact Whole Vet had on me as I transitioned off of active duty and into the corporate world.  Your event last May at PPD built my confidence and put my anxiety at ease as I prepared to leave the military."

- Lance S